Tell us which priorities matter to you!

NAD     June 25, 2024 in ASL 19 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Michelle is standing in front of a camera.

MICHELLE: What should we focus on for the next two years? Let me back up. The NAD tends to have their own to-do list, but we also make room for communities to share input on what is important to them for the NAD Board to address within the two-year term. That is what we call our top five priorities. For prior conferences, we tend to invite communities to submit priority proposals, then have an open forum for NAD members to discuss which proposals should make it into the top five.
Anyway, after the forums, the remaining proposals then get discussed during the business meeting, which we call Council of Representatives (COR). COR has representatives from State Associations and Affiliates from all over the US, those people are Delegates. During COR, Delegates discuss and vote on the priorities, to make the final top 5. Delegates also vote on any bylaw amendments, resolution proposals, and open board positions. So where do YOU come in? Before the Delegates decide the top five priorities – we want to show you the proposals, so you have the opportunity to discuss and tell your representative (delegate) which priorities to support. They need to know what’s important to you - so that during COR, delegates can use their power and vote. Your input will impact our work for the next 2 years! Check out the proposals, review, discuss and let everyone know what you think!]

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