What are the benefits of volunteering at the NAD Conference?

NAD     May 31, 2024 in ASL 19 Subscribers Subscribe

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Become part of the volunteer team at the #NAD2024 Conference in Chicago this summer on July 3-6th! Our Volunteer Coordinator, Joe Vieira, shares all the amazing reasons to get involved. Apply by today, May 31st!

➡️ Visit chicago.nad.org or email Link for more information.

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: NAD2024 Volunteer Coordinator Joe Vieira is standing in front of a camera. He’s standing in front of a wooden fence and trees.

JOE: Want more work experience this summer? Volunteer at the NAD Conference in Chicago! Wondering what are the benefits of volunteering at the NAD Conference?

Depending on how many hours you do: you could have your NAD@Night Combo registration reimbursed and a free t-shirt of your choice from the NAD Booth. We can also verify your volunteer hours if required by your school or workplace! AND you’ll meet many people from all over the US! Network!

For more information, visit chicago.nad.org or contact (on-screen text: Link ). Apply by May 31, 2024!]

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