President Update | September 2023

NAD     October 4, 2023 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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President Jenny summarizes a successful week in New Mexico with a visit to the New Mexico School for the Deaf (NMSD) and hosting the NAD Leadership Training Conference. This week was a good reminder that we have work to do and we can do it together.

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Jenny is in front of a dark background.

JENNY: Last week was full of learning! The NAD Board and several Team members met in Santa Fe, New Mexico to visit the New Mexico School for the Deaf (NMSD). They provided a very nice tour and shared their history. We also enjoyed visiting their museum. I'd like to ask you one interesting fact that I learned which I'm not sure if you know -- NMSD was established before New Mexico was even a state! After the tour, we held the Board meeting there and went to Albuquerque for the rest of the weekend for the NAD Leadership Training Conference (NLTC). NLTC started off with Racial Equity Training provided by Dominic Harrison. His presentation shared ways to explore ourselves and our individual role within racial equity -- what that looks like. We need to understand our individual work towards racial equity and realize how we can apply that towards our organization's role in racial equity. Through this work, we should constantly shift, change, and improve towards racial equity. NLTC provided many workshops as well several caucus topics. The caucuses allowed us to realize what issues and barriers local communities are facing and what kind of resources the NAD and individual states have to address such situations. This allowed us to learn from each other with everyone contributing different resources, sharing information, and networking. It was a great week in New Mexico! I hope that people who attended NLTC were able to network with other people from all over the US, raise concerns about important topics, share information, and highlight resources available. These important opportunities create powerful connections and also remind us that we have work to do while we have existing resources and support to do the work together.]

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