Abraham's Vision

deafguy55     January 9, 2022 in deafguy55\'s perspectives-generally Political News and Religions 40 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [In parashat Bo we arrive at the successful conclusion of the LORD’s campaign to free Israel from bondage in Egypt. Immediately following the description of ninth plague (i.e., the plague of darkness), redemption through the sacrifice of the Passover lamb (קָרְבָּן פֶּסַה) is explained. The Jewish people were saved by the blood of the lamb, just as today we call upon Yeshua as the Lamb of God. Notice that the word בּא (“go”) and פרעה (“Pharoah”) together equal the gematria of משׁיח (“mashiach”), providing a hint of the coming Messianic redemption that was foreshadowed in Egypt. Every jot and tittle...]

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