Puerto Rico: The Beach

ChrisHaulmark     July 20, 2019 in ASL 16 Subscribers Subscribe

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Neisha and Chris went onto an adventure to one of the top beaches in the world.

This is the Chronicles of The Deaf Wanderer going through Puerto Rico in Caribbean.

What can the people, sights, and culture of Puerto Rico teach us? What has made Puerto Rico to be one of the most significant islands in the entire world? Has the fountain of youth ever been discovered over there? Is Puerto Rico everything that we’ve heard about? What are the most significant roles that Puerto Rico has played within the world’s history? Is the beach being over there really a top-notch as being one of the top beaches in the world? Is Puerto Rico actually the oldest colony in the world? What does the Puerto Ricans truly believe in? Why did America occupy and took over to keep Puerto Rico so badly? How bad was Puerto Rico impacted by Hurricane Maria?

These are the questions Chris Haulmark is trying to answer with these videos.

This vlog and the future vlogs will be hardcoded with subtitles for everyone who is not fluent in sign language. If you enjoyed this vlog, please share this video to those who are interested in traveling videos and being encouraged to travel. Thank you for watching.

And stay tuned for more upcoming videos.

#DeafWanderer #Deaf #ASL #Backpacking #EnglishCaptions #PuertoRico #Activities #UniqueCulture #ComeToPR

And subscribe to this YouTube channel and stay tuned for more upcoming videos if you want to see more in the future.


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Chris Haulmark has been a world traveler since March, 2015 and have already seen 47 states and Puerto Rico and at least 30 countries to the date of this vlog. He has created video clips since the beginning and has emerged as a social media force to expose the perspective, that he sees through his Deaf eyes, to the public. He hopes to inspire the future Deaf travelers to see the wonderful and exciting world outside of their home countries. He also hopes to prove that a Deaf traveler can be as independent as any other travelers. His videos are to show everyone how it's possible. All content, being posted here, are created and owned by Chris Haulmark unless otherwise stated in the content or the attached description. Visit The Deaf Wanderer Facebook page to see much more older and archived videos and other content.

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