Mobile Grocery Store Brings Food to Low Income Communities

DTV News     May 17, 2016 in ASL 3 Subscribers Subscribe

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In St. Louis, Missouri, a food market called St. Louis MetroMarket is bringing fresh food to neighborhoods with low income. This market is unlike any other as it’s a store with four wheels. Also known as Turnip1, this food market bus contains only fresh vegetables, fruit, dairy, meat, and bread. But providing food isn’t the only thing MetroMarket does. The company also has employees and volunteers that stand outside and show customers how to prepare the food they buy. They also learn where the food comes from and its nutritional value. A $150 membership has to be obtained in order to shop at MetroMarket, but if a citizen’s employer pays for the membership or if they live in a low-income area, the membership can be subsidized. The cost of food is also on a sliding scale, so if someone isn’t able to pay full price for food, they can buy it at cost as someone with a membership will be buying the food at retail prices.
Those are our top stories for today. I’m Melissa Yingst Huber, thank you for watching and we’ll see you tomorrow.

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