Comparing ASL and English 1

maz354     January 11, 2016 in ASL 39 Subscribers Subscribe

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This video is about Comparing ASL and English 1

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119 Video Comments

       Reply to maz354
    Tip: pressing the SHIFT key on your keyboard does the same thing as clicking this button
  1. ReplyTo:   northtrue, deafteal58, CoolPJR, DeafTeddyBear, Eyeshine, FunHiking, sundumbell, UA
    Title:   Tagging you!
  2. ReplyTo:   NeaLaugh
    Title:   Tagging you! :)
  3. ReplyTo:   maz354
    Title:   Help me: "unbelievable?"
  4. ReplyTo:   Abcv2v
    Title:   U bring good ? :)

  5. Title:   You bring up a good ?
  6. ReplyTo:   northtrue, deafteal58, CoolPJR, DeafTeddyBear, maz354, FunHiking, sundumbell, UA
    Title:   Welcome back to 2016!!!
  7. ReplyTo:   maz354
    Title:   misunderstand sign
  8. ReplyTo:   maz354
    Title:   New Teacher!?!?

  9. Title:   Thanks :)
  10. ReplyTo:   northtrue, deafteal58, CoolPJR, DeafTeddyBear, Eyeshine, FunHiking, sundumbell, UA
    Title:   Replied to Brenda's # 8
  11. ReplyTo:   signhand
    Title:   Replied to #9
  12. ReplyTo:   myhandsaretalking
    Title:   Thanks for encouraging m

  13. Title:   on condition= IF ?

  14. Title:   :) :) ;)

  15. Title:   good question! :)

  16. Title:   thanks for clarification

  17. Title:   #24
  18. ReplyTo:   northtrue, deafteal58, CoolPJR, DeafTeddyBear, maz354, Eyeshine, FunHiking, sundumbell
    Title:   My ASL story

  19. Title:   #27 and #28 :) :)
   Reply to maz354
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