Who won the Mirror Ball Trophy on DWTS?

DTV News     May 25, 2016 in ASL 3 Subscribers Subscribe

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Kriston Pumphrey

It seems like 22 is Nyle’s lucky number!

Nyle came out on top in America’s Next Top Model Cycle 22 and last night he seized the Mirror Ball in Dancing With The Stars Season 22!

Last night was a win for the entire Deaf community. Nyle DiMarco dedicated his win on Tuesday’s finale episode of Dancing With the Stars to all the "deaf people in this world" — because they were his inspiration.

While Nyle did an amazing job throughout the entire season, Monday May 23rd highlighted a special and powerful performance that brought many of us to tears -- DiMarco and Murgatroyd performed to Disturbed's cover of the Simon & Garfunkel classic "The Sound of Silence," a song that DiMarco feels resonates with being deaf.

Carrie Ann Inaba stated that it was the best performance in the history of the show. This speaks volumes of his talent, considering she had 22 seasons of the ABC show to draw from.

What a feat! I think it’s safe to say that we as a community, as a whole, are extremely proud of Nyle!

With that said, we’d like to congratulate Nyle DiMarco and Peta Murgatroyd. You both have truly redefined dance! Let’s take a look back at Nyle’s journey throughout the season.

let's lose our minds
and go crazy crazy
ah ya ya ya ya I keep on
hoping we'll eat cake
by the ocean walk for me
used to have it all
now's our curtain call so
hold for the applause
lives tonight top of
the world and we're
dressed to the nines
tonight edge of the earth
and we're touching the sky
tonight out on the verge of
shoo be do da ba da da
ba da doo bah shoo be do
oh i can't believe it's true i got
shoots up through the stony ground,
but there's no room, no space to rent in this town
[music stops]
whoa you love me don't let go ahhhh
just tie me down or somebody
get me a [bleep] drink! Son of a
[bleep], get me a drink!
of silence [applause]
Carrie Ann: Wait wait wait wait!
[clapping] [applause]
Tom: What did you say Carrie Ann?
Carrie Ann: I said, 'thank you for
showing us your beautiful
heart when you dance' so thank you.
Tom: It was the right thing to say clearly!
Tom: The winners, and new champions of Dancing with the Stars are... [yelling] NYLE AND PETA!
[instrumental music]
Erin: So close... but you went from
somebody that you know, had a hard
time being up close to your partner to now ruling...
Tom: I was almost gonna give you
the trophy but we have enough time...
what are you feeling right now?
Peta: This is such an amazing feeling,
this whole thing has been so incredible
because of this man! I owe
everything to him, he is just incredible!
Tom: Congratulations, congratulations!
Alright here you go, let's give them
the trophy right now! The champions
[laughing] of Dancing with the Stars [applause]

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